

The School is open to undergraduate and graduate students in archaeology, classics, history, cultural resources management, museum studies, and related disciplines. Admission is limited to 20 participants per shift.

Although the archaeology field school is open to participants of all skill levels, we prefer that students complete at least one course in archaeological theory and excavation methods before applying. Students who meet this prerequisite will have priority.

However, we will consider applications from less experienced students and encourage anyone who is interested to apply. We will happily provide all necessary training.

2023 BISA crew conducting an archaeological survey with a drone.


Before starting, you should gather information about your CV, education, relevant experience, interests, and health. You also need to know which session and shifts you want to join.

We use this information to create an optimal experience for you!

Teaching archaeological method in the field.

Supporting Documents

Within one week of acceptance, students must provide the following documents:

  • Copy of your passport
  • Medical certification signed by a licensed medical professional
  • Proof of a valid and up-to-date Tetanus vaccination
  • Proof of valid international health, accident, and injury insurance.

Before beginning your application, please read all of the information about the school’s application requirements, project goals, accommodations, policies, curriculum, and other information. All of this information is available on our BISA webpage.

Archaeology Field School Application

Download and complete the PDF form.

To submit the form, enter your name and e-mail below, complete the certification, and click Next.

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